Count Zeros In Specified Cell / Range

Jun 27, 2014

Count all zero(0) in the row except those that belong to column "Friday" :



[Code] ........

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Suppress Zeros In A Pivot Table (search Out Any Zeros And Replace With A Blank Cell)

Oct 12, 2009

with the data in the attached sheet, I create several different pivot tables that need show the count of the information in the columns M:DU. My issue is that the data is sent to me from a third party and the columns contain zeros that cause the counts to inflate.

What I would like to be able to do is run a macro that will search out any zeros in M:DU and replace them with a blank cell.

Unfortunately the number of rows increases with every monthly reporting cycle so the macro would need to be able to accommodate for that.

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Using Count Function Exclude Zeros In Count

Jul 18, 2007

I am trying to count data using several criteria

1.Need to add data from for a certain category, say "blue" + data during a certain date but exclue the ones with zeros

My formula using arrays look like this, but it is still counting data with zero in the cell as an item

=count(if(A4:A400(text by category)=”blue”,count(if(O4:O400(date)<”04/01/07”,count(An4:An400)[Actual data],-(countif(An4:An400,0))))))

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COUNT The Zeros

Apr 7, 2009

I need to count how many times a set of numbers go past zero, ie. change their sign. they almost never hit zero directly, so i cannot just count "0". example below.

1.890 etc

In this example there would be just 2 sign changes, where the values pass zero (marked red). So i just need a formula that returns the result "2".

I need to do this for about 20,000 rows of data, all in one column

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Excluding Zeros From Count

Jan 30, 2014

I have pivot table that is pulling data from a page that is using the vlookup formula. I would like the table to only include fields that have data in the count. However, the pivot table is registering cells that have "0" (i.e., there's no actual data in the cell it is pull from) as having data. How can I get the pivot table count to ignore these cells?

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Count Zeros From A Column

Jul 9, 2013

I need a formula to count the zero's from a column and to put the value next to the 1 and when another 1 appears after a 1, it has to show 0, like in the example bellow.


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Average & Count Zeros But Not Blanks

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to make a excell spread sheet that will calculate my students averages for the year. I need to account for zeros in the coarse and I want this excel sheet to track the current average all year long . So I do not need to include my blanks in the average as I go. Also , how do I formulate my average accum to show this formula - Test scores, four of them count as 80% of the total grade. So each test is worth 20% / Lab 10% of total grade and homework is additional 10%. I downloaded the templete from MSN and have tweaked it to my liking except for the coding above. Please advise. I am a below par on Excel. My attachemtn is below of my templete. One note. the templete gave me the room to include 13 ros of homework - but I will not necessarily use all of them... I can make it one row for home work only ....

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Count Longest Run Of Contiguous Zeros

Jun 18, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to create a formula or VBA to count how many contiguous 0's there are in a specific row...and then drag this formula down many rows..for example - if a row of data contains 1,3,0,0,0,4,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,3,1,0 I want the result to be 7, because 7 is the longest streak of contiguous 0's.

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Formula To Compare Sum Of Range To Cell Value And Return Cell Count Of Range Used

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to find out how many weeks our current inventory will support our sales. I am trying to research formulas that will do this, and coming back with things like OFFSET, MATCH, INDEX but am not certain the best way to put them together to get what I need. I use excel daily, but this is a bit mroe advanced than I am used to


Starting in cell B4, I would like to count how many weeks of Demand can be covered by the specific Available On Hands in row 3 for that week, put the number of "Weeks Covered" into cell B2, and then fill over to the right in row 2. Right now, the values in row 2 are from my own manual calculations, but I would like a dynamic formula that will sum up the values in row 4 up to (but not greater than) the value in B3, give the count of cells that reached that sum (or even better with decimals to show the percentage covered), which I will copy over into B3:B13. Not sure if that makes sense, or if I can explain in a better way. The yellow cells are what I am trying to create a formula for and am currently stuck.

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Percentage Of 1's To Zeros In Range

May 27, 2008

I ahve compiled a spreadsheet that calculates how many wins an individual has as part of a team. I am entering '1' if they win and '0' if they lose but auto sum obviously doesn't add the 0's up to calculate how many matches have been played in total. I need the total matches played because I have a formula in place to calculate % of matches won.

Is there a formula I can use to add 0's and 1's or YES & No's up to total the amount played?? ( Adding up a vertical column. )Please help. I've spent days trying and I'm getting nowhere fast.

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Small Value Excluding Zeros From Range?

Feb 14, 2012

How to get the small value excluding zeros?


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Clear/Delete Zeros In Specified Range

Aug 22, 2006

i need a macro that will select 0's in columns h-j.

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Imaginary Zeros In Formulas Vs. Real Zeros

Nov 7, 2009

I’ve created a formula for this statistic and I’m happy with the results. Because I’m working with formulas, my only problem is the unwanted zeros. How do I hide zeros that show up automatically (i.e. #3 [blank] and Nov 09-June 10)? I can hide the numbers, but if I enter a zero to one of my future statistics it will not appear and I don’t want that to happen. Is there a way to hide those automatic zeros without affecting my real zeros?

Vendor’s Name

Jul 09

Aug 09

Sep 09

Oct 09

Nov 09

Dec 09

Jan 10

Feb 10

Mar 10

Apr 10

May 10

June 10











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Count Cell In The Range

May 12, 2009

In cell G443 I have the word "Jaxx"

I need it to count any cell in the range that has that word anywhere in the cell.

An example:

Practice Jaxx is in a cell.
If we can countif after the 9th character if the word practice is in the cell.

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Filter Named Range Excluding Zeros Blanks

Sep 29, 2011

Im trying to filter a name range of 12 columns in vba. However im able to emit ZEROS but NOT blanks when i usse AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="0" it stil contains some blanks in the filtered data

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Remove Character From Range & Pad Resulting Numbers With Zeros

Mar 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a column that containts UNSPSC codes that can be in any of the four following formats:-


I basically want ta formula that will find and remove any / leaving me with


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Count Cell With Data Within Set Range?

Jun 18, 2014

I'm trying to count number of rows with Data within a Range. i.e.

CatA = Range("A1:A15")
CatB = Range("A20:A35")

I want to know how many rows in range CatA have Data and how many rows in CatB have Data etc.

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Count Words In Cell Range

Mar 15, 2008

I am trying to count words in seperate rows,columns in a spreadsheet. I have tried to use the formula that was suggested in one of the formula pages but I did not get the correct answer. I tried to do just like the information said with a1:a5. I did get 5 as an answer but when I deleted one of the words it still said there were 5 words.

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FREQUENCY Formula - Get Total Highest Intervals Of Zeros In A Range?

Jun 21, 2013

I use the following CSA formula to give me the total highest intervals of zeros in a range. I understand how most of it works apart from one thing and that's how the data array and bins array give me the result.


So this is what I understand:

H2:Y2=0 - Returns TRUE/FALSE in the array based on range having 0 or a value other than that - ie{TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE}

COLUMN(H2:Y2) - Returns the column number {8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25}

IF(H2:Y2=0,COLUMN(H2:Y2)) -Returns the column number for every TRUE value

IF(H2:Y2>0,COLUMN(H2:Y2)) - This does the same as the above steps but returns column numbers for every cell that contains a value greater than 0

MAX - Returns the biggest number within the array ie =MAX({3;0;0;0;0;0;9}) would return 9

What I need to know is how the FREQUENCY formula gives {3;0;0;0;0;0;9}

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Count Unique Value In Range Of Cell With Given Condition?

May 28, 2014

I would like to check if there's a way to count the number of unique value with a given condition

Eg. condition where parcel count <> 0, also want to find out the unique value of district and postal sector

Attached is the files, and my desired result is highlighted in RED.

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Occurence /count Of A Cell Value In A Column/range

Nov 14, 2008

I need to find to the occurrence/count of a cell value in a column/range.

Like say column A has following values

A14 and so on ..

I need to find the no. of times or count A12 is there in the column A.

I have tried using .count function in the range A but this instead gives the number of cells in complete range A

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Count Multiple Values In Cell With Range Criteria

Apr 30, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to count by two criteria, only one of the criteria has a value among multiple values in a cell and the other is a range. I tried to use sum but it doesn't count the value and count doesn't recognize the range. I attached the file so you can see what we're trying to do.

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Excel 2003 :: Count Where Value In One Cell Range But Blank In Another?

Nov 21, 2013

I am trying to perform a count against two ranges of data.Both ranges contain contain values (dates in my case).I am trying to perform a count where cells in column A have data but cells in column B do not.

Is there a way this can be done in Excel 2003? I have tried numerous COUNT and SUMPRODUCT queries but have not found a way to get this to work.

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Count Instances Of Part Cell Text In Range

Jan 21, 2008

I need a formula which I am using to count instance of sickness. I include a sample copy of my data which I hope will make my request clearer! I'm currently using the below formula to count the number of continuous instances of any code starting with "SICK" =(SUMPRODUCT((LEFT(C$10:C$37,4)="SICK")*(LEFT(C$10:C$37,4)<>(LEFT(C$10:C$37,4)))))

I would also like this formula to count any code starting with LTS as well (Long Term Sick). Due to the nature of sickness there may be continuous periods where both SICK and LTS codes are used, at the moment I can not come up with a formula to return the value I need. These columns may contain other codes but for simplicities sake I have only shown the relavent ones.

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Count Total Blanks Of Various Columns But With The Range Of Column A To The Last Used Cell

Jan 30, 2014

I need to be able to count all the blanks in columns other than A but only until the last used cell in column A. I am using a formula right now that counts the blanks in column A until the last used cell but I don't know how to apply the range of column A to other columns like B and C. Here is an example of what I hope to accomplish:

Formula used in A1 that I need applied to other columns but with the range of column A

="Total Blanks: "&COUNTIF(INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(TRUE,A2:A8<>"",0)):INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(2,1/(A2:A8<>""))),"")

Here is an example of what B1 and C1, with the formula, would look like if it counted blanks but with the range of column A

Total Blanks: 3
Total Blanks: 6
Total Blanks: 2


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VBA To Find Cell Value In Column And Count Occurrences In Same Row Within Date Range?

Feb 3, 2014

I would like to design a macro that can find a value within a cell in a colunm and copy a value in the row then count occurances of that value next time a match in the colunm is found on a different row, but also do this only if the date range in the row is within a specified range. So a multi-critieria search and copy operation.

To explain a little better here is a simplified example of my spread sheet that is in input for the macro.


date in
date out

Column A lists the coponents found on the same row as the seach critria, in this example "12-3".

Column B lists the number of occurances of the components. This search is limited to a date range input by the user.

So what I can see is the components replaced and the amount of times replaced on a specific item over a fixed time.

*It is difficult to describe this problem without showing the macro output, but this is just an example for the purpose of explanation.

I know a bit of VBA programming and initially I started with an input box that asks for the part number and limit dates.

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Count In A Range If Cell Contains Time Value (skip Numeric Values)

Jun 11, 2013

I'm looking for a way to count the cells in a specified range if the cell contains a timevalue (such as: 0:05 or 1:15). When a cell in the same range contains a normal value (such as: 1 or 20) it should not be counted.

What formula should i use for this?

I was experimenting with:


But both don't seem to work.

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Count Value From Cell Range In Cell Range?

Feb 26, 2014

How do I count values from a cell range in a cell range? For example I have 2 tables:

First Table:
John A
John B
John C


I'd like to count the number of times John A, B and C appeared in the Who asked column. for this case, the sum should be 2.

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Filling In Cell With Zeros If Cell Don't Contain Number Up To 6 Digits

Jan 2, 2012

I have a sheet with column A. This column A contains numbers from 1 number to 6 numbers.

So, one cell can have a '1' or a '999999' or any combination between them. Now this is the problem.

I want a formula that will fill those cells that don't contain a number up to 6 digits. So if a cell contains '254' I will like this formula to fill the cell like this: 000254.

This should happen with any number that don't have a number with six digits.

78 should be 000078, 78652 should be 078652 and so on.

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Average Of Every Other Cell Excluding Zeros?

May 9, 2013

I current have an Excel doc that I am trying to pull averages from. Every row has data that needs to be averaged but I only need every other cell. And I cannot have zeros in the average because it will skew the data. Also if the average for a row ends up being 0, I want that average to show up as 0 not #DIV/0!. From Column H to EE I need to average each row individually.

I came up with the below formula.

=IF(SUM(H1:H1:J1:J1:L1:L1)=0, "0", AVERAGEIF(H1:H1:J1:J1:L1:L1, ">0")

It works but Its not practical because I have to manually enter all of the cells that it pulls from.

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